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Languages on a Plate
For improved language learning

Course 9

Be the boss of your Spanish learning!

Learn Spanish at your pace!


Learn through our interactive video course, perfect for beginners.


Or, bolster your cultural capital for free by exploring our Independent Learner content.

Individual Learners
What we do for learners


Build your knowledge

Learners: study at your own pace and build your cultural capital


We provide:


  • Self-paced online video courses

  • Free knowledge organisers and workbooks

  • Tutoring sessions

  • Independent learner content to build up your cultural capital on the Spanish-speaking world (particularly useful for A-Level)


Sign up for our self-paced video course


Boost your cultural capital for free

Our services for learners

Online Video Courses

Online courses and resources to improve your language skills at your own pace in your own time. Perfect for beginners.


Tutoring & Study Sessions

Opportunities to improve your language skills with in-person and online tutoring sessions.

Group learning sessions geared towards exam series.


Cultural Learning

A dedicated area for cultural knowledge. Information that covers a variety of cultural knowledge that is essential for learners of all levels.

What we do for teachers

Save time!

Teachers: don't be martyrs to lesson planning


Made by experts and subject leaders, we provide:


  • Scaffolded lessons

  • Exam-guides

  • Cover and homework booklets

  • Knowledge organisers

  • ​Teacher training advice and lesson observations

  • Exam practice sessions


Sign-up and start to reclaim your time!


All of our content is created by qualified teachers who are subject leaders. Let their experience save you hours of work and learn some tricks of the trade!


Save time and join a community of educators who trust our Spanish teaching resources. We have 100s of Spanish activities on our website, including scaffolded lessons, practice exams and worksheets ideal for cover lessons and homework. Our documents have been trusted in classrooms across the world, and have been downloaded thousands of times helping students progress and saving teachers countless planning hours.


Sign up today to our Spanish Teacher Plan and earn back your time.​

We're constantly adding new resources, so keep checking for new content! 

Transform your teaching

Reclaim your time and energy by signing up to our Spanish Teacher Programmes. Once registered, you will unlock immediate access to an extensive collection of Spanish teaching resources, meticulously designed to enhance your curriculum and elevate classroom engagement.

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Save time &
sign up now

Our services for teachers

Complete Lessons and Resources

Comprehensive lessons and useful resources featuring an extensive range of exercises encompassing video, audio, reading, writing, and grammar components for a thorough learning experience.


Exam-Specific Advice

Advice and tips geared towards British and international examinations. Advice and practice content from experienced teachers and examiners.


CPD and School Visits

Professional development and training services. In-person training and consulting to boost your/your department's practice. Contact us for a quote and plan (international school visits are also possible).

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