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Welcome to the heart of Languages on a Plate's resources for Spanish Teachers!

If you are not yet signed up to our Spanish Teacher Programmes, you can see a list of our uploaded content at the bottom of this page.

The basics: introductions, physical descriptions, weather, hobbies and weekend plans.

Consolidating the foundations: jobs, injuries & health, sustainable living and looking to the future.

Above and beyond: A-Level and IB inspired resources,.

Beyond the basics: holidays, food, clothes, daily routine, chores, style and the preterite tense.

Acing the GCSE. Resources based on exam styles to achieve at GCSE level.

Consolidate grammar knowledge.

3 Paths:

KS3 Plan.png

Key Stage 3 Plan

Access to all of our content for:


  • Spanish Step 1

  • Spanish Step 2

  • Spanish Step 3


Ideal for teaching Spanish in KS3 and for building the basics for GCSE/IGCSE.


Content includes:


  • Scaffolded lessons

  • Knowledge organisers

  • Workbooks (ideal for homework and cover)

GCSE + KS3 Plan

GCSE + KS3 Plan.png

Access to all of our content for:


  • Spanish Step 1

  • Spanish Step 2

  • Spanish Step 3

  • Spanish Step 4


Ideal for teaching Spanish in KS3 and GCSE/IGCSE.


Content includes:


  • Scaffolded lessons

  • Knowledge organisers

  • Workbooks (ideal for homework and cover)

  • Exam-focused question styles

  • Exam-focused advice


Coming soon!

KS5 Total Plan.png

KS5 Total Plan

Access to all of our content for:


  • Spanish Step 1

  • Spanish Step 2

  • Spanish Step 3

  • Spanish Step 4

  • Spanish Step 5


Ideal for teaching Spanish in KS3, GCSE/IGCSE and for post-16 education (A-Level/IB)


Content includes:


  • Scaffolded lessons

  • Knowledge organisers

  • Workbooks (ideal for homework and cover)

  • Exam-focused question styles

  • Exam-focused advice


Coming soon!

Steps to success

Find your ideal resources


Welcome to our streamlined 'Steps' system, designed to match the stages of UK school education. We've divided our content into five steps and a grammar vault:


Please keep in mind that we are currently populating our website and new resources are added regularly. Crafting quality resources takes time, and we appreciate your patience.


Our resources are designed for time-saving and flexibility. You can easily adapt and edit them to suit your specific teaching needs. Explore our Exam Focus page, which offers valuable documents to enhance your teaching prowess.

Use the ctrl + f (or ⌘+f) to search where to find our resources below

Contents of Uploaded Resources

Spanish Step 1 Contents:

Note, this contents is to help you find an appropriate resource for your lesson, or so you can see what we have uploaded if you have not yet subscribed.


Module 1: All About Me

  1. ¿Cómo te llamas? - Greetings and how to say your name

  2. ¿Qué tal? - How to express how you are

  3. ¿Cuántos años tienes? - How to say how old you are

  4. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? - How to say when your birthday is

  5. ¿Cómo es tu familia? - How to describe who is in your family

  6. ¿Cómo eres de carácter? - How to describe your personality and your family members' personalities

  7. ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? - To learn colours and verbs of opinion in Spanish

  8. ¿Cómo eres físicamente? - To describe your appearance and your family members' appearance

  9. ¿Tienes mascotas? - To express if you have any pets and to describe them

  10. ¿De dónde eres? - To express where you are from and which languages you speak

  11. Module 1 Knowledge Organiser and Workbook


Module 2: Passions and Pastimes

  1. ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? - To express what hobbies you have and how often you do them

  2. ¿Te gusta hacer deporte? - To express what sports you do and whether you like them

  3. ¿Eres melómano? - To express what music you like

  4. ¿Qué haces cuando hace frío? - To express what you do when the weather is changeable

  5. ¿Cómo celebras el Día de Navidad? - To express how you celebrate Christmas

  6. Module 2 Knowledge Organiser and Workbook


Module 3: Academic Adventures

  1. ¿Qué asignaturas estudias? - To learn how to say which subjects you study and give your opinion about them

  2. ¿Cuándo tenemos clase? - ¿Qué hora es? - To learn how to say the time and describe your timetable

  3. ¿Dónde está tu bolígrafo? - To learn vocabulary for classroom objects and prepositions of place

  4. ¿Cómo es tu colegio? - To describe your school's facilities

  5. ¿Cómo son tus profes? - To describe your teachers

  6. ¿Qué actividades extraescolares haces? - To express what extracurricular activities you do

  7. Module 3 Knowledge Organiser and Workbook


Module 4: My Corner of the World

  1. ¿Dónde vives? - To describe where your home is

  2. ¿Cómo es tu casa? - To describe what your home is like

  3. ¿Qué hay en tu barrio? - To describe what is in your town

  4. ¿Dónde está la biblioteca? - To give directions

  5. ¿Adónde vas a ir de vacaciones? - To express where you are going to go on holiday

  6. Module 4 Knowledge Organiser and Workbook

Spanish Step 2 Contents:

Note, this contents is to help you find an appropriate resource for your lesson, or so you can see what we have uploaded if you have not yet subscribed.


Module 1: My Memorable Holiday

  1. ¿Adónde fuiste de vacaciones? - An introduction to the Preterite and to say where you went on holiday

  2. ¿Cómo fuiste? - To express how you travelled

  3. ¿Qué hiciste en tus vacaciones? - To say what you did on holiday

  4. ¿Cómo fue tu viaje? - To give your opinion on your past holiday

  5. ¿Qué pasó en tus vacaciones? - To express any problems you had on holiday

  6. ¿Qué hiciste en Latinoamérica? - To discover holidays in the wider Hispanic context and mixed practice of tenses

  7. Module 1 Knowledge Organiser and Workbook


Module 2: Fantastic Food

  1. ¿Qué te gusta comer? - To learn the core food words in Spanish

  2. ¿Por qué te gusta este plato? - To describe food in Spanish

  3. ¿Qué sueles comer? - To express what you normally eat

  4. ¿Qué comiste ayer? - To express what you ate yesterday

  5. ¿Llevas una dieta sana? - To describe a healthy diet

  6. ¿Quieres venir al restaurante conmigo? - To ask someone if they want to go to a restaurant with you

  7. Module 2 Knowledge Organiser and Workbook


Module 3: A Day in My Life

  1. ¿Cuándo te despiertas? - To describe your daily routine

  2. ¿Cuándo te acostaste anoche? - To describe your daily routine yesterday

  3. ¿Qué sueles hacer los fines de semana? - To describe your weekend in different tenses

  4. ¿Qué hacías cuando eras más joven? - An introduction to the Imperfect and to describe what you used to do at the weekend

  5. ¿Cómo ayudas a tus padres? - To describe what chores you do

  6. Module 3 Knowledge Organiser and Workbook


Module 4: My Style

  1. ¿Qué ropa llevas? - To describe your fashion sense

  2. ¿Cómo usas tu móvil? - To describe how you use your phone

  3. ¿Qué te gusta ver en la tele? - To express what types of TV shows you like to watch - and use comparatives

  4. ¿Te gustan las películas de acción? - To express what types of film you like to watch

  5. ¿Fuiste al cine ayer? - To describe a film in the past

  6. Module 4 Knowledge Organiser and Workbook

Spanish Step 3 Contents:

Note, this contents is to help you find an appropriate resource for your lesson, or so you can see what we have uploaded if you have not yet subscribed.


Module 1: The Working World

  1. ¿En qué trabajan tus padres? - To learn how to say what someone's job is



Spanish Step 4 Contents:

Note, this contents is to help you find an appropriate resource for your lesson, or so you can see what we have uploaded if you have not yet subscribed.

More content coming soon!


Exam-Specific Documents: IGCSE

  1. IGCSE Speaking Work Booklet with model answer guides

  2. IGCSE Photo description guide

  3. IGCSE Speaking examiner marksheet

  4. IGCSE Speaking Tricks

  5. IGCSE Reading Question Type Walkthrough (including practice paper)

  6. IGCSE Reading, Grammar and Writing Practice Paper 2

  7. IGCSE Grammar Question Walkthrough (including practice paper)

  8. IGCSE Short Writing Walkthrough

  9. IGCSE Long Writing Walkthrough

  10. IGCSE Listening Question Type Walkthrough (including practice paper)

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