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Updated for 2024-25


Lesson 4/5 out of Languages on a Plate’s second beginner module 1.2: Passions and Pastimes, which is centred around building on the basics for Spanish beginners (perfect for Year 7).


This lesson reinforces students’ knowledge of regular Present Tense verb conjugation and teaches them vocabulary related to the weather.


Learning intention: to express what sports you do and whether you like them


Learning outcomes:

  • Recap regular verbs in the Present Tense and learn vocabulary for weather
  • Learn the verb “ir” in the Present Tense with appropriate vocabulary
  • Write what you do when the weather is changeable


Lesson order (slides):

  1. Starter - conjugate verbs in the Present (linked to free time)
  2. Vocabulary - Present Tense time references
  3. Objectives
  4. Recap of Present Tense conjugations (stop and drop then explicit re-going through)
  5. Introduction to vocabulary related to weather
  6. Translation - Sp to En, then En to Sp with weather (si and cuando) + Present Tense conjugations based on prior knowledge (hobbies)
  7. Introduction to the verb “ir” explicitly
  8. Game - wink murder verb conjugation in class (teacher-led)
  9. Vocabulary - places (core)
  10. Grammar - explicit introduction to al/a la/a los/a las
  11. Listening (with transcript) for core information about a person and their hobbies and likes (IGCSE style question - in Spanish)
  12. Objectives
  13. Reading - true v false + vocabulary search/reinforcement
  14. Snowballs adjective recap activity (teacher-led)
  15. Speaking - trap door
  16. Audiovisual reinforcement
  17. Plenary - writing responses to what you do depending on the weather


We also have a Quizlet vocabulary list for the content of the lesson in our Spanish Steps 1 Folder.


Note: this document is available in some of our subscription services, which might make life easier for you.


Note 2: if you are downloading this document on a mobile device, please make sure you have Microsoft Powerpoint installed for best results. 

1.2.4 ¿Qué haces cuando hace frío?

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